5225 Orbitor Dr, Suite 7, Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y8905-593-2323info@apcafinancial.com


Mergers and Acquisition (M&A) related services

M&A transactions are highly time sensitive, we can help clients who do not have and full scale ERP software overcome financial reporting challenges by using our time tested models which

  • Helping convert multiple year financial statements from cash basis to accrual basis of accounting
  • Consolidating multiple companies and multiple jurisdictions
    • using appropriate exchange rates as per applicable GAAP (USGAAP or IFRS)
    • Eliminating inter- company transactions
  • Supporting sellers during quality of earnings review (by advisors for Buyers like Big 4 accounting firms)
  • Supporting external audit by larger audit firms (if required as part of the purchase condition)
  • Preparing and maintaining data room through the M&A process